Get Involved – Church Activities

Wonderful Opportunities

Sunday Worship - 10 am


Come join us for a beautiful worship service! Pastor Paula Timm leads an inspirational service including worship & song, scripture, sermon, and traditional liturgy. Music style is blended including old time religion, traditional hymns, and contemporary. All are welcome. 

Communion is the first Sunday of the month. Communion is “open table” which means that all are welcome to participate regardless of age or denomination.

Wednesday Family Worship - 4:30 pm

All ages are welcome! Baby to great-grandparents! Family Worship occurs during the school year. Wednesday Family Worship starts the second week of September and ends the last week of April and follows the Milaca Public School calendar. Worship is geared toward the younger audience and includes songs, videos, interactive sermon, and prayer. This is a wiggly service, so bring your babies and toddlers alike!

Sunday Coffee Fellowship - 11 am

Coffee with treats fellowship occurs every Sunday right after church at 11:00 am. Come enjoy the company of your brothers and sisters in Christ. We look forward to getting to know you!

Youth Ministries

Youth group includes grades 6th – 12th.

In the summer, youth group meets twice a month. Activities include attending worship, games, feeding the homeless, serving the community, tubing down the river, and playing games.

During the school year, youth group meets weekly on Wednesday evenings. Special events include an overnight retreat, concerts, and service projects.

Sunday School - 10 am

There is Sundy School year round. Children sit with their families in worship for the first 20 minutes of the service and listen to Children’s message from the pastor. In the Sunday school, children have a Bible lesson, learn scripture, pray, and do a craft or activity. Grades pre – 5th.

Wednesday Program: Afterschool - 5:30 pm

Affectionately called Red Brick Learning (RBL), our Wednesday program runs from the second week in September to the last week of April. The after school program is for children grades K – 5th. Youth group students are also welcome right after school if the are not in a school activity.


3:05 – 4:00: Snack and activity

4:00 – 4:30: Teacher time

4:30 – 5:00: Family Worship

5:00 – 5:30 Meal

5:30 – 6:00 Clean up

Non-Denominational Activities

Prayer Circle - Tuesday 6 pm

We meet every Tuesday to share prayer concerns for ourselves, others, our community, and all the churches in our area..

Join us as we enter into deep connection with the Holy Spirit and each other. We give praise & thanksgiving and ask for the supernatural intervention of the power Jesus Christ to transform lives!

Miracle Monday - 4th Mon. 7 pm

This is a monthly, non-denominational life-transforming worship & healing event. People gather to worship to music, pray, give tesimony, and experience the healing power of Jesus Christ. Whether you need freedom from addiction, deliverance, spiritual or physical healing, healing in your family, or you just want a intense encounter with the Holy Spirit, this is the event for you! Come and be transformed!