Our Mission & Vision
Our vision…
A vibrant place where families, neighbors, and friends come together to joyfully share, learn and praise God in order to live full, rich, and loving lives.
Our mission…
– Grow into true Disciples of Jesus Christ
– Share our beliefs with others
– Support them in their relationship with God
Who We Are
Meet Our Staff

Rev. Paula Timm
More About Our Pastor
Leadership Style
I would describe my leadership style as a mix between democratic and delegation. I value the process of all voices being heard. When making decisions I like to work with a team to decide on the best course of action with the information we have available. I also delegate real responsibility to others so we can build a confident future for the church.
Spiritual Disciplines and Study
Daily prayer, daily gratitude reflection and occasional journaling, scripture and devotional time, generosity/giving and fellowship with God’s people.
Call to Ministry
My faith was largely formed by my local United Methodist Church, my parents, and my involvement in camp and retreat ministries. Through these experiences, I learned that God is with me even when I don’t think that I need God. In college, after my mother was seriously ill, is when I felt God nudging me into ministry. I felt most connected to God at summer camp, so I wanted to explore cultivating that relationship with others. I wanted to work where I could love God and love God’s people. As a lifelong learner, I am looking to deepen my understanding of God with every experience. What I have learned is that God’s call never changes, but how we each live out the call changes. I left full time church work in 2019 to pursue teaching Language Arts in public school. My full-time ministry context has changed, but my heart is still deeply passionate about cultivating lifelong relationships with Christ.
Gifts for the Ministry
Teaching and preaching are areas where I am gifted. I enjoy both the process of preparing to teach/preach and the act of sharing God’s word with people. Other gifts are encouragement, especially as it relates to creating and maintaining groups in ministry areas of the church as well as listening. I enjoy hearing the stories of God’s work in our lives and helping people explore ways to live their best life to fulfill God’s call.
Contact Information
Email: paulatimm2@gmail.com
Phone: 651-485-8160

Hailey Stobb
Administrative Assistant
For Our Visitors
Frequently Asked Questions
What do United Methodists believe?
As a part of the world-wide United Methodist Church, we follow a set of Bible-based, God inspired beliefs set forth by our denomination. To learn more about the beliefs of the UMC, CLICK HERE.
How do we describe our church body?
We come from all walks of life and differing faith traditions, but we are on the journey together. We invite you to see if you’d like to take a walk of faith with us.
We are a church that doesn’t subscribe to long lists of do’s and don’ts that people have to follow to be United Methodist. We proclaim the truth from God’s Word and allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us in personal application of the Bible’s message.
We are a diverse church in that we come from various backgrounds of life and faith. In areas such as politics or theology United Methodist Christians see things from different perspectives. Our unity is found at the foot of cross, where we find grace and forgiveness. We are a church that strives to work with other Christians in the community for the common good.
What is your method of studying God?
As a part of the world-wide United Methodist Church, we follow a set of Bible-based, God inspired beliefs set forth by our denomination. To learn more about the beliefs of the UMC, CLICK HERE.
What should I expect?
Our church service is a traditional United Methodist style with a Call to Worship, Children’s message, announcements, unison prayers, reading from the Bible, Sermon, sharing of God’s moments, joys and concern, Pastor’s prayer, the Lord’s prayer, benediction. A bulletin is provided and most items are displayed on a big screen. The music is a mixture of traditional and contemporary. The service lasts for about an hour. Pastor Paula Timm preaches using the Bible as her base and the sermons are relevant to what people are experiencing in their day to day lives.
What should I wear?
Wear the clothes you are comfortable in – we are not fashion conscious and neither is God.
God loves you just as you are and we will too!
Is there Sunday School?
There is Sunday School year round. Children sit with their families in worship for the first 20 minutes of the service. They will listen to the Children’s Message from the pastor. Then they will leave with the Sunday School teacher for lesson.
Twice a month, the youth will leave for youth time during the service to meet with their youth leader.
Do you have a youth group?
Yes. Youth group is for grades 6 – 12 and meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 – 8:00 pm and every other Sunday. Students are encouraged to come after school if they can to participate in the Wednesday program and meal.
Do you have an after school Wednesday program?
Yes. We have Red Brick Learning right after school on Wednesdays for students grades K – 5. The enjoy a snack, activity, Bible learning, Family worship, and a meal. The program ends at 5:30. The program runs mid September to the end of April.
Is there Children's Church or a Nursery available?
Yes: A volunteer staffs the nursery.
Where should I park? Is there handicapped parking?
Yes, there are two handicapped parking spots available right in front of the church. People may also be dropped off right in front of the church for easy entrance. There is a ramp.
Is the church available for weddings or other outside events?
Yes: The church may be rented for other events.
How do I become a member of the church?
Classes are available to become a member. Interested people should contact the secretary or the Pastor.